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Kinesio tape and facial palsy

FACIAL PALSY AND KINESIOLOGY TAPE KINESIOLOGY TAPE  The seventh cranial nerve is the facial nerve.  The facial nerve provides sensation to the face and helps the facial muscles to maintain their tone and power. It is the intact connection between the nerve and the brain that helps the muscles to retain their strength to move our facial muscles.  However,  damage to the facial nerve breaks the connection and the facial muscles become weak resulting in inability to make facial expression or facial movements.    Facial palsy occurs when there is weakness or damage to the facial nerve and face droops owing to weakness in the facial muscles on  either one of both side of the face, depending on whether or not one or both nerve is damaged.  Mostly,  facial palsy occurs on one side of the face. However both faces can be affected but this rarely happens.   The most effective treatment of facial palsy may be physical therapy. Physiotherapy wi...

How to Make power zone and liquid soap

HOW TO MAKE POWER ZONE & LIQUID SOAP   Sample of already made power zone.  Samples of already made liquid soap.  It is very obvious that, it is easy to get some items from the market only if there's money. But always buying from the market takes a lot from us. We waste our monies and do not get those monies back. Conversely, when we have the skills and we are able to make some of these basic things on our own, then we can get the particular  item and also make profits out of it when we also sell to others to buy. Just spend money on the just the items and get that money back after selling. Learn how to make power zone or bleach solution and Liquid soap following the instructions below ITEMS NEEDED FOR POWER ZONE Before you can make a power zone or parazone, make available the items below and then follow the steps in that order; Soda Ash Coustic Soda Chlorine Colour  STEPS TO MAKING POWER ZONE 1.Pour a sachet of the chlor...