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This is shocking: You won't believe this is just happening in just a blink of an eye.


The Founder of one of the recent renounce Physiotherapy related pages on Facebook called Thomas Bio,who is well known as PTT. Thomas Adjei Bio, wishes to announce to the general public about the scheduled two years anniversary celebration for Physiotherapy to the world Facebook page.

 PHYSIOTHERAPY TO THE WORLD is a Facebook page which has been in existence for two years now, reaching the entire world with Physiotherapy related information. It has over 7000 followers. 

The page aimed at enriching the world with knowledge about Physiotherapy and its relevance in health care, through health education in the form which is very much understandable to every individual. 

Since the inception of this page, many people have noticed its relevance, and that has necessitated the huge number of people who have joined so far. 

Thomas is so passionate about the Physiotherapy profession, making him consistently spreading information about conditions that can wholly be managed under Physiotherapy. However, having passion for the profession does not end his long term plans. He hopes to set up a foundation that will help underprivileged persons get access to free Physiotherapy services in the years to come. 

This ideology came about when he personally heard stories of many disabled persons who regarded their afflictions to be lack of knowledge about their condition that caused them that harm, as well as lack of financial resilience to access health care. 

He therefore realized setting up a foundation that can advocate on behalf of these underprivileged persons can help eradicate or minimize disability. 

Through this Facebook page, there have been other established pages which are equally helpful for student therapists to get easy access to learning materials. Amongst these pages is the telegram page, Physio Hub Consult, and Physio Diaries GH Facebook pages. It is through this page on Facebook Physio Diaries GH YouTube channel came into an existence. This is an important YouTube channel that uploads video about Physiotherapy conditions for public consumption. 

A page of the caliber needs to be celebrated so that the dealings can be made known to the entire world. The founder therefore is organizing a two years anniversary scheduled 21st August, 2021.

The program will be virtual and will commence exactly 10:00 am GMT prompt on the morning. We invite all to prepare adequately and make it a point to watch us on live coverage from the page on Facebook Duayaw Nkwanta Tv, and Erics Media.

There will be very nice designed T-shirts that will be used for the ceremony. Interested persons can reach the founder for more details. 


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