The term scoliosis refers to Sideway curvature of the spine. The spine of a scoliotic patient curves either to the left or right side of the body. Thus, the spine curves laterally. The curve can be a single curve, like "C" shape or a double curve, like "S" shape.
Scoliosis can affect both the thoracic and lumbar regions of the spine.(thoracolumbar scoliosis)
It can be caused by some disease condition, but most of diagnosed scoliosis has an unknown cause.(idiopathic). The scoliosis on the right side of the body, that's when the patient lean to the right side of the body, is referred to as DEXTROSCOLIOSIS and that on the left side of the body is called LEVOCONVEX scoliosis.
Mostly used is the X-ray due to low cost involved in X-ray and high cost involved in CT scan and MRI make them rarely used.
Causes /risk factors of scoliosis_
There are many factors that can predispose one's risk of getting scoliosis. Below are some of them;
-Bad posture
-family history
Neurological condition such as _Marfan syndrome, cerebral palsy, spina bifida_ etc.
There are two main types of scoliosis.
Namely :
Structural and non-structural scoliosis
This type of scoliosis occurs with no known cause. It developed a fixed curve. The curve is mostly attributed to the spine(the vertebrae body themselves with specific problem) There's obvious curve of the spine. It can occur as a result of disease condition. Often, _degeneration of discs, and rapture of ligament_ that hold the spine in position can cause the vertebrae body to curve as such curve the spine in response.
Structurally normal spine with a lateral curve. It can be as a result of disease condition such as muscle spasm, leg length discrepancy, cerebral palsy, marfan syndrome etc. that brought about the spinal curvature.
_Signs and symptoms of scoliosis_
=uneven shoulders
=uneven hips
=low back pain
=shortness of breath in most severe cases
=uneven leg length
=The fellow may lean to one side.
=numbness in extremities (LL)
Physiotherapy management
Scoliosis is most of the time a musculoskeletal condition and the expertise of managing musculoskeletal condition is the PT(Physiotherapist) or the PTT(Physiotherapy Technician).
The earlier your treatment, the better your prognosis or treatment outcome.
The Physiotherapy management of scoliosis are as follow:
Physiotherapist or physiotherapist Assistant may teach scoliotic patient some techniques/exercises that would help correct the curvature and also work on symptoms of scoliosis,especially low back pain.
Gluteal stretch, side planks, bird dog exx, knee to chest, partial crunches, full arms raise,
Bridging, and many more would be helpful in scoliosis management.
2.Rod exercise.
Side flexion exx with the rod help stretches the tight muscles pulling the body to one side.
3.Hanging on wall bar
4.Teach deep breathing exercise when the case is severe, especially when the lungs or heart are likely to be compressed by the ribcage.
5.Braces or Corsets can also keep the spine in position.
6.Hot pack at low back would help relief low back pain.
Scoliosis is treatable, the earlier you see a physiotherapist/PTT with your scoliosis, the better your prognosis.
Thanks for reading.
Article by :Thomas Bio