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Physiotherapists are not massage therapists.



Most people today often do not know the difference between massage therapists and physiotherapist.
Numerous populates who visit physiotherapy department for physiotherapy care involving massage hold a strong believe that physiotherapist are massage therapists.
On the contrary, physiotherapists are not massage therapists. Massage is an adjunct to physiotherapy. It is utilized by physiotherapist where it is necessary to use it. Massage is the manipulation of soft tissues in the body. Massage techniques are commonly applied with hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, feet, or a device. The purpose of massage is generally for the treatment of body stress or pain. A person who was professionally trained to give massages was traditionally known as a masseur (male) or a masseuse (female).
As part of the training of professionals to becoming physiotherapist or physiotherapist Assistant, it is necessary to be equipped with the skills of massage because, massage plays an important role in the delivering of physiotherapy care. This is why physiotherapist or physiotherapist Assistants usually do massage in most of the departments across the world.
This does not make physiotherapist  a massage therapists but remain as professionals with diverse skills though received training on the aspect of becoming physiotherapy care givers and not massage therapist. For instance, when a patient presents with any condition associated with edema, it is necessary to apply lymphatic massage to resolve the edema in order to prevent adhesions which could possibly be a major complication should the edema is left unattended to. There are numerous massage techniques in existence which physiotherapist can utilize as an adjunct in delivering physiotherapy care in cases which may require massage techniques.
 Physiotherapist applying lymphatic massage for resolution of an ankle foot edema.
Effectiveness of lymphatic massage.
This means that, though physiotherapist are not massage therapists but utilises some of the skills of the massage therapists where the need be. 
As much as it is now obvious that physiotherapist or physiotherapist Assistants are not massage therapists, some of them may study further to obtain qualification in massage. Hence become the expert in massage along with their profession as being the physiotherapy expert. 
Professionals of this caliber are the expert in delivering massage to client who may show interest in obtaining full body massage, massage for general body pain, massage for stress management and those who may need massage for other special  benefits. Physiotherapist or physiotherapist Assistants are not massage therapists as many claimed they are, but are professionals as they are either than massage therapists. Remember that physiotherapist are equipped with the techniques of massage as part of their training  and can therefore practice massage as do masseurs or masseuse.

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Mrs. Martey Patricia, editor for 
Qualifications:HND, purchasing and supply & Bsc, Logistics and supply chain management


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